This story revolves around a boy who was sent to a dark, mysterious parallel world in the body of his beautiful senior sister known as Lily. The lone girl ran into the night parade of a hundred ghosts the very day she arrived; seeking survival amongst the warrior’s dispute in a chaotic world, and forging her own demon sword! This is an unimaginable other world adventure!
- Book 12: Chapter 78: Masako’s Fate
- Book 12: Chapter 80: Ancient Female Mythical Beast Clan
- Book 12: Chapter 81: A Month’s Change
- Book 12: Chapter 83: Unexpected
- Book 12: Chapter 84: Sudden Changes
- Book 12: Chapter 85: Ambush
- Book 12: Chapter 86: Sister Lily’s Treatment
- Book 12: Chapter 87: Rakshasa-Onna’s Judgment
- Book 12: Chapter 89: The End Of The Night Parade of Hundred Maidens
- Book 12: Chapter 90: Hound’s Soul