
Chapter 130 Veiana Merchant Guild

Erwin gazed out of the previously blurry shop window, now noticeably cleaner thanks to his daily cleaning routine—the only task he found himself doing regularly in the desolate shop. Frustration crept into his voice as he muttered, "Why aren\'t there any new customers? It\'s incredibly boring."

Erwin leaned against the counter, lost in thought, trying to understand the reasons behind the shop\'s lack of footfall. He contemplated several possibilities, pondering the factors contributing to the dull atmosphere.

Erwin contemplated the impact of the shop\'s location, considering the possibility of minimal pedestrian traffic. However, as he observed the bustling crowd outside, engaged in shopping and dining, he dismissed this notion. The area was teeming with people, especially due to an upcoming festival, yet his shop remained empty, standing in stark contrast to the vibrant scene surrounding it.

"Even Everly and Ivy didn\'t come? I didn\'t even see them at the Alchemy Association," Erwin lamented, sighing in frustration as he thought about the big tittied duo.

He recalled the two pairs of meticulously crafted undergarments they had ordered, which he had created with care and love, hoping to see his work adorning their figures. Yet, to his disappointment, they seemed to have vanished without a trace. Puzzled, Erwin couldn\'t help but notice a peculiar pattern—he realized that every woman he encountered in this world mysteriously disappeared after engaging with him. The absence of Leila, in particular, caught his attention.

Perplexed and filled with a sense of strangeness, Erwin couldn\'t help but wonder about the unusual circumstances of the disappearance of these women, including Leila. The situation left him pondering, searching for answers to this bewildering phenomenon. He only can do perverted things with them for one time before they disappear from his life. "well expect Agda and his grandam,"

Lost in his contemplation of the mysterious disappearances of his fuck bodies, Erwin remained oblivious to the unfolding scene just beyond the shop\'s entrance.

Unbeknownst to him, outside the door, a captivating tableau was taking place. A sense of urgency filled the air as a woman of extraordinary beauty dashed past, her chestnut hair billowing behind her like a cascade of silk. Her emerald-green eyes flickered with a mix of fear and determination, and her flushed cheeks revealed the physical strain of her rapid escape.

Erwin\'s attention remained fixated on his slave candidates, his mind consumed by thoughts of the womens he had fucked here. He failed to perceive the captivating presence just beyond the threshold of his shop, unaware of the woman\'s desperate flight from an unseen pursuer.

The woman\'s frantic escape came to a momentary halt as she paused, her eyes flickering with anxiety as she glanced back at her relentless pursuer. Seeking sanctuary, her gaze shifted towards Erwin\'s shop, where a glimmer of hope and desperation sparked within her eyes.


The sound of the shop\'s entrance bell jolted Erwin out of his deep thoughts, diverting his attention towards the person who had just stepped inside.

Erwin\'s gaze shifted from his contemplative state to the entrance of his shop, where the source of the ringing bell stood. As his eyes focused on the person who had entered, he was momentarily taken aback.

Before him stood a figure that exuded an air of confidence and poise. The newcomer was a woman, adorned in a tailored black suit that accentuated her sharp features and commanding presence. Her piercing blue eyes bore a sense of determination, contrasting with the slight disarray of her raven-black hair that hinted at the urgency of her arrival.

"Welcome, dear customer," Erwin greeted with a warm smile, stepping forward to assist the woman. However, before he could utter another word, she hurriedly approached him, a sense of urgency in her voice. "What do you sell here?" 

Curiosity piqued, Erwin couldn\'t help but notice the fear and urgency reflected in the woman\'s eyes as she scanned the interior of the shop. Eager to assist her, he responded with a reassuring smile. "Here at our shop, we specialize in women\'s clothing. As you can see from our displays, we offer a variety of stylish garments. Additionally, we also take custom orders to cater to your specific preferences. Furthermore, we have recently introduced a special product that promotes women\'s health, which may be of interest to you." 

Erwin proceeded to explain the details of the special product, but he couldn\'t help but notice the woman\'s eyes constantly darting towards the bustling street outside the shop. There was an unmistakable sense of urgency in her gaze, as if she were searching for someone amidst the passing crowd.

As the woman\'s gaze shifted from the window, her eyes settled on Erwin with a resolute expression. "I need that special product. Do you have it here?" she inquired, her urgency undeterred.

Erwin, understanding the gravity of the situation and recognizing the woman\'s need for discretion, quickly composed himself. "Certainly, to provide you with the special product, I\'ll need to take some measurements first," he replied calmly.

The woman nodded, her determination unwavering. "Then let\'s proceed with the measurements," she stated firmly.

"Then please follow me." Erwin, guiding the way, led the woman to the back room of the shop, a secluded area shielded from prying eyes.

\'Finaly another pair of tits.\' Erwin\'s face lit up with anticipation as his eyes glanced over the woman\'s figure. Her allure was undeniable, with curves that were both captivating and elegant, accentuated by the snug fit of her dress. Every contour seemed to exude a seamless smoothness, enhancing her natural beauty.

Erwin\'s smile widened as he realized his slight oversight. "Oh, how unprofessional of me. I forgot to ask for the names of my dear customers," he confessed warmly, turning towards the woman. However, as he shifted his gaze, he noticed an apologetic expression on her face, her eyes filled with regret.

Curiosity mixed with concern, Erwin opened his mouth to inquire about her sudden change in demeanor when, unexpectedly, the woman\'s hand swiftly rose towards her mouth. Before Erwin could react, a hushed, "I\'m sorry" escaped her lips, followed by a gentle exhalation.

To his astonishment, a shimmering cloud of pink dust billowed from her hand, enveloping the surrounding space. Erwin\'s initial surprise quickly transformed into a state of bewilderment as the sparkling particles danced in the air, encircling him in a mesmerizing display.

Suddenly, the world around Erwin turned dark, as if a veil had been drawn over his vision. Confusion flooded his mind as he grappled with the sudden loss of light.

As abruptly as the darkness had descended, the veil lifted, and Erwin found himself back in the familiar surroundings of his shop. Light flooded his vision, illuminating the aged ceiling above him. Confusion and frustration etched across his face, he couldn\'t help but question the events that had transpired.

"Why the fuck, she did to me?" Erwin muttered, a mixture of annoyance and curiosity in his voice.

Erwin\'s gaze swept across the shop, scanning every corner for any signs of disturbance. To his relief, nothing appeared to be missing or out of place. However, as he studied the floor, his attention was drawn to a series of dirty footprints marking the path of whoever had entered the shop after he lost consciousness.

Examining the footprints closely, Erwin deduced that there had been two individuals who had made their way through the shop. The size of the footprints indicated that they were considerably larger than those of the woman who sought refuge earlier. This discovery intensified his curiosity and raised even more questions about the unfolding events.

Carefully following the trail of footprints with his eyes, Erwin analyzed the patterns they formed. It seemed as though the intruders had moved swiftly, their steps purposeful, and their presence seemingly unrelated to the woman\'s unexpected visit. The footprints led towards the entrance, suggesting that the mysterious duo had entered and exited the shop within the timeframe of his unconsciousness.

Erwin\'s mind raced with possibilities, trying to piece together the puzzle. Who were these individuals, and what was their connection to the woman? Were they simply coincidental passersby, or did they have a more significant role in the unfolding drama? The uncertainty gnawed at him, fueling his determination to uncover the truth.

As the echoes of the previous events lingered in the air, the shop\'s bell chimed once again, announcing the arrival of three burly men. Their imposing figures and stern expressions immediately caught Erwin\'s attention. One of the men, stepping forward with an air of authority, addressed Erwin in a deep and heavy voice.

"Hey kid, did any women with blue eyes come to this shop today?" The man\'s tone was laced with impatience, his words hinting at an urgent matter.

Erwin\'s senses heightened as he observed the men closely. Their stern demeanors and the specific inquiry about a woman with blue eyes resonated with his recent encounters. With caution and a touch of apprehension, Erwin considered his response.

Keeping his voice steady, Erwin replied, "No, I haven\'t encountered any women with blue eyes today." 

As the men stared at him, their expressions softened slightly, and a sense of understanding seemed to pass between them. One of them nodded, his voice losing some of its severity as he spoke. "If you happen to come across a woman with blue eyes, please inform us at the Veiana Merchant Guild. We will be grateful for your help, and a reward shall be bestowed upon you."

Erwin\'s eyebrows raised in surprise at the unexpected offer. The mention of a reward piqued his curiosity, adding a new layer of intrigue to the situation. As the men turned and left the shop, their imposing presence gradually faded, leaving Erwin alone with his thoughts.

His mind returned to the enigmatic woman he had encountered earlier, whose urgency and mysterious actions had set off a chain of events. The men\'s inquiry about her suggested that she was being sought after, and their affiliation with the Veiana Merchant Guild hinted at the gravity of the situation.

"shit, I\'m running late," Erwin muttered under his breath, his mind still preoccupied with the swirling thoughts and mysteries that had enveloped him. The realization of his tardiness for dinner suddenly struck him, and he glanced towards the window, where the ethereal glow of the azure moon cast its gentle radiance into the shop.

The soft moonlight filtered through the glass, creating a mesmerizing play of shadows and illuminating the room with a tranquil aura. It was a reminder that time waits for no one, not even for those entangled in enigmas and unanswered questions.

In a rush, Erwin swiftly locked the shop\'s door, his steps quickening as he embarked on his journey towards the academy. The night enveloped him, casting elongated shadows that danced along the dimly lit streets. Unbeknownst to him, a figure with alluring curves trailed closely behind, concealed within the cloak of darkness.

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