
Chapter 81 Ch 79: Flames Of Retribution [Pt2]

Anya felt the human skull give way under her hand and the relief that filled her was immense. The one who had been threatening her was finally gone and Anya could relax.

But then her eyes fell on the other in front of her and her relief turned into rage. All these people were responsible for what happened to her and they all deserved to die. Anya could end up killing them all.

“S-Stop it. We did not do a-anything to you.”

The eldest hunter stuttered as he took a step back. He had recognized that they were all in deep trouble and they were about to be killed off by Anya right then and there.

Everyone gulped their nervousness down as Anya stepped toward them in her demonic form. The pressure she gave off was completely different from any of the normal demons they had faced before.

The only one in the group who did not seem to recognize danger was the young teen who had asked permission to torture Ana.

“What is the big deal here? She is still just a demonic beast while all of us are hunters. We have trained to kill things like her so why are all of you backing off like this? Come on and show some backbone.”

The eldest hunter wanted to help the youngest out but it was already too late.

The youngest might not realize it but the half-dragoness was already behind the youngest’s back with her claws held inches away from his neck.

Just a little pressure and the youngest hunter would die a painful death.

“Oi demon, come at me. I am not afriad of you….”

The youngest hunter finally looked afraid once he noticed that massive half-human body right behind him. Anya did not give him any time to breathe before she had her claw buried inside the young hunter.

Her claws clasped around the teen’s heart and she squeezed it. The teen was in massive pain when he finally died with Anya’s hand buried in his chest.

Once he was dead, Anya let his body fall from her hand like a toy that was no longer useful or needed.

It was tough for the hunting party to admit that two of thier most brilliant comrades had been killed off just like that. And at the hands of a former hunter as well.

“Hunter Anya, come back to your s-senses. Your familiar might be d-dead b-but this is not the e-end. Y-You can get a n-new familiar. Yeah, a new and better f-familiar might be-”

The female hunter did not get long to live after she suggested it. The eldest hunter could tell that the half-demon had a deep bond with her familiar.

He could not remember what had come over him to torment the Griffin as his party had but now he regretted it.

“P-Please show us all mercy. Y-You can still return as a human if you try. D-Don’t let your hatred and what happened here turn you away from the right part. The demons are evil creatures and they tempt you to-”

“Shut up old man. Your talking is pissing me off.”

Anya no longer cared to hear these people out. It was clear that none of them had any important contribution to make right now. So it was time for them all to die for the sins they had committed.

She was well aware that she would no longer be able to go back now. She had already killed humans and she had felt a rush of pleasure doing that.

Anya did not want to admit it but she was a demon through and through. It was a part of who she was now.

“My lady, wait. The Headmaster adores you. Think of all he did for you up until now. Is this how you are going to repay him?”

The eldest hunter tried to appeal to Anya’s emotions.

Despite her tough image, Anya was a sensitive girl. She had always carved for love and recognition in her life but no one had been willing to give it to her.

That was why the headmaster had such an easy time getting her under his control. Just a king word here and a gentle gesture there, and he had Anya eating out of the palm of his hands.

Now, if the eldest hunter was able to get Anya’s emotions going, he was sure that he would be able to escape from his fate.

But contrary to his belief, Anya just let out a startled laugh before breaking down crazily. Her eyes were wide with laughter but they showed an empty soul.

“Adores me? The headmaster! That man was only ever interested in my powers and nothing else. Did you all think of me as a fool who was unable to look past his facade?”

The last ray of home the eldest hunter felt disappeared from in front of him. His companions tried casting shields around their bodies but it was of no use. Anya speared through them as easily as one did through cotton.

They had no chance against her since the beginning.

“Oh my, look at the mess you caused. So this was what you wanted to do when you left me? Your familiar looks like it would not last any longer either.”

Anya hissed as soon as she noticed Yohan’s presence. She had no idea how he had been able to hide from her until now but she did not like it.

“Don’t touch Ana. You better stay away from her if you like living.”

Anya hissed, her body ready for an attack. She felt a lot of eyes on her right now, looking and observing to see what she would do.

It seemed like Yohan had not been foolish enough to come after her alone but Anya was not going to feel flattered by his actions.


Yohan watched from a distance as Anya tore the humans apart. He had noticed her anger and anguish at seeing her familiar die in front of her.

And once she was done venting out, it was time for Yohan to make his entrance. He quietly walked toward Ana the Griffin and kneeled.

The Griffin was not dead yet but there was no doubt that it could not be saved without a miracle heal. And unfortunately for everyone, there was no miracle healer in the vicinity.

‘Looks like Ana will be owing me a lot after we are done here.’

“Oh my, look at the mess you caused. So this was what you wanted to do when you left me? Your familiar looks like it would not last any longer either.”

The anger in Anya’s eyes blazed and it looked hot enough to burn Yohan alive. Had he not been trying to get a reaction out of Anya, he would have felt afraid of her even.

But as things stood, this was exactly the reaction Yohan had expected Anya to show him.

“Don’t touch Ana. You better stay away from her if you like living.”

Anya looked like she was ready to attack Yohan at any time. Her claws were out already and her desire for blood and violence was filling up the air. This was the atmosphere that a true demon was supposed to have.

Yohan could sense Zane and a few other demons on stand by. They were the survivors of the massacre that Anya had just participated in.

And from her tense body posture, Yohan was sure that she had noticed this new development as well. She would not be able to escape from this hellhole now that she no longer held the element fo surprise.

“Don’t worry Anya. I am not here to get you in trouble. Instead, I am here to help you out since I feel bad for what you had to go through. Are you ready to become one of my people?”

Yohan extended his hand and almost laughed when Anya hit his hand with a hiss. She seemed upset at Yohan for even suggesting such a thing to her.

“You! I don’t have time for this. Ana is dying and I need to find a doctor-”

“No doctor will be able to help your familiar now. She is not only too far gone but the magical poison will make sure she is not able to do anything after today. Is that the kind of life you want your familiar to live?”

Anya fell quite but her fists were curled over in rage and her whole body was trembling. She was doing her best to hold herself back.

“Then, what am I supposed to do?”

Anya broke down, tears finally hitting her eyes. Yohan nodded toward Zane to empty out the area. He had things working in his favor now. And the area was empty within a matter of seconds.

“Anya, you have a choice to make. I will be able to turn your familiar into a zombie so that she can live. She will still have all her emotions and feelings left inside but her life would be bound to me. Will that be acceptable to you?”

Yohan half expected Anya to say no and tell Yohan to fuck off.

He was basically asking her to hand her familiar over to Yohan so it would have been understandable if she got angry at him.

But instead, Anya gave a relief filled sigh and she cupped Yohan’s shirt and pulled him down for a kiss.

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